2 Spas
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Saint Haven

Indoor only
Club Spa

Tucked away in the heart of Collingwood, one of Melbourne's most vibrant suburbs, Saint Haven Spa is a hidden gem that promises an unparalleled experience of rejuvenation and well-being. More than just a place for relaxation, it's a sanctuary where modern amenities blend seamlessly with traditional healing practices. In the buzzing urban environment where everything moves at a breakneck speed, Saint Haven offers a respite—a quiet space where you can pause, breathe, and rediscover your equilibrium.

Location: Where Urban Chic Meets Calm

Located in Collingwood's bustling arts and culture district, Saint Haven offers an escape right in the middle of it all. It's remarkably accessible, with convenient parking options and excellent public transport links. Even the façade of the building—a blend of modern and Victorian architecture—gives a nod to the unique blend of old and new that characterizes the spa inside.

Ambience: Elegance and Zen

As you step into Saint Haven, you are greeted by an aura of peacefulness that makes the chaos of the city fade away. The decor combines sleek modern lines with natural elements—think polished marble, warm wooden accents, and lush greenery. Ambient lighting and the gentle fragrance of essential oils set the mood for a deeply calming experience.

The Treatment Rooms: Personalized Havens

Each treatment room at Saint Haven is designed with an aesthetic that maximizes comfort and tranquility. High-quality linens, ergonomic massage beds, and a soothing color palette ensure that your treatment is as luxurious as it is effective.

Services: A Symphony of Sensations

Saint Haven stands out for its wide range of services, from signature facials using organic products to deep-tissue massages that awaken every dormant muscle. What sets the spa apart is its menu of traditional therapies from around the world—think Swedish saunas, Turkish baths, and Ayurvedic massages. The spa also offers an array of modern treatments like cryotherapy and light therapy, ensuring that there’s something for everyone, regardless of their wellness philosophy.

Expertise: Therapists Who Care

What truly makes a treatment at Saint Haven unforgettable is the team of highly trained, intuitive therapists. Their expertise enables them to tailor each service to the individual, recognizing the unique needs and preferences of each guest.

Wellness Programs: Beyond the Spa

Saint Haven believes that wellness is not a one-time event, but a lifestyle. The spa offers customized wellness programs that range from detox plans to mindfulness training, guided by experts in dietetics, psychology, and holistic health.

Sustainability: For You and The Planet

Sustainability is a cornerstone of Saint Haven’s ethos. From biodegradable products and energy-efficient lighting to a robust recycling program, the spa is committed to being as kind to the Earth as it is to its clients.

A Sanctuary of Serenity in Collingwood, Australia

Saint Haven in Collingwood is more than just a spa—it's an institution that aims to elevate your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here, every detail is curated to offer a holistic, enriching experience that leaves you refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to embrace life's challenges. Whether you’re a local or just visiting Melbourne, make a point to schedule some 'you time' at this sublime urban retreat. You won't regret it.

Sense Of Self (SOS) Logo

Sense Of Self (SOS)

Indoor only
Day Spa

Tucked away in the eclectic neighborhood of Collingwood, Melbourne, lies Sense of Self (SOS), a spa that rebels against conventional definitions of wellness. With its unpretentious atmosphere and unique, thoughtfully curated experiences, SOS offers more than mere relaxation—it offers a space to reconnect with oneself in a world that often demands too much.

A Revolution in Spa Design

Sense of Self is not your traditional, sterile, white-walled spa. Instead, it welcomes you into a setting that feels like an extension of a cozy, artistic home. The décor marries industrial minimalism with quirky flair, featuring exposed brick walls, Bohemian textiles, and a smattering of indoor plants. Each design choice seems intentional, aimed at promoting self-expression and a sense of unrestricted freedom.

The Soulful Treatments

SOS moves away from complex spa menus and focuses on a select range of treatments that aim for profundity over variety. Their signature 'Mud Room' experience allows you to unwind as you layer therapeutic mud over your body. The clay detoxifies, leaving your skin feeling rejuvenated and your mind clear.

For those looking for an immersive relaxation experience, the 'Floatation Therapy' offers a weightless experience in a saltwater tank designed to minimize external stimuli. With these treatments, SOS challenges traditional notions of wellness, opting for techniques that speak to a modern understanding of holistic health.

Mindful Movement Sessions

Unique to SOS is their array of mindful movement classes that range from yoga to Pilates to dance. Each class is a celebration of mobility and life, emphasizing the significance of mind-body connection. These aren't just exercise sessions; they are spiritual gatherings where each posture and movement aims to bring you closer to your inner self.

A Community-Oriented Approach

One of the standout aspects of Sense of Self is its commitment to community wellness. The spa often hosts guest speakers, workshops, and events that touch upon various aspects of health, spirituality, and community engagement. It's a spa where conversations are welcomed, and where a sense of communal well-being is as important as individual wellness.

Accessibility and Affordability

While offering top-notch treatments and experiences, SOS is surprisingly accessible both in terms of its central location and its price point. Nestled close to Collingwood's vibrant shopping and dining scene, the spa aims to make wellness achievable for all, defying the stereotype that spa experiences are a luxury only few can afford.

The Unconventional Oasis in Collingwood, Australia

Sense of Self (SOS) stands as a symbol of what the future of wellness can look like: inclusive, unpretentious, and refreshingly human. It's a space where you can shed societal expectations and be your most authentic self. With its soulful treatments, transformative movement sessions, and a heartwarming sense of community, SOS isn't just a spa—it's a revolution in self-care.

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